





Minor Snow, or "Xiao Xue" in Chinese, is the 20th solar term of the Chinese lunar year, lasting from November 22 to December 6. As indicated by the name, the period refers to the time of year when the weather starts getting colder.

小雪是中国农历每年的第 20 个节气,从 11 月 22 日持续到 12 月 6 日。顾名思义,小雪是指天气开始变冷的时节。

According to an old Chinese saying, "If the sky is full of snow during Minor Snow, next year will be a harvest year." The right kind of weather during Minor Snow can benefit the agricultural sector. Low temperatures accompanying the snow can kill some hidden pests and bacteria in the soil, which can reduce pests and diseases in the following year. More importantly, snow cover on the soil acts like a blanket to keep the soil warm. This is favorable for the decomposing process of organic matter in the soil, which will make it more fertile.


During Minor Snow, the temperature declines sharply and the air becomes dry. People adjust their eating habits to adapt to the environment. In most of north China, the temperature will drop below zero degrees. People drink more hot soups, such as radish soup, to keep them warm. Meanwhile in some areas of south China, it is customary to eat glutinous rice cakes for more energy.


Moreover, Minor Snow is the best time to start making preserved foods such as preserved pork or preserved vegetables. Thanks to the cold weather, preserved food can be stored for a long time. During the Spring Festival, a couple of months later, everyone can enjoy the delicious preserved food.








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