

【学生活动】讲好中国故事: 二十四节气之小寒





Minor Cold, or Xiaohan in Chinese, falls on January 6 this year. It is the 23rd solar term in the Chinese lunar calendar, marking the coldest time of the year.

今年的小寒是 1 月 6 日。这是中国农历的第二十三个节气,也是一年中最冷的时候。

As the old saying goes, "the sanjiu is pretty cold," meaning the third nine-day unit after the Winter Solstice is frigid. The "sanjiu" usually overlaps with the period between the Minor Cold and the Major Cold. During this time, heat deep within the soil is completely exhausted. In Heilongjiang Province in northeast China, the temperature can drop as low as minus 40 degrees Celsius.

俗话说 "冷在三九",意思是冬至后的第三个九天是寒冷的。三九 "通常与 "小寒 "和 "大寒 "重叠。在此期间,土壤深处的热量会完全耗尽。在中国东北的黑龙江省,气温可降至零下 40 摄氏度。

Although many regions in northern or northeastern China are still frozen and clad in snow, spring is about to come. Birds are considered to be most sensitive to this change of climate according to ancient Chinese wisdom. And Minor Cold is one of the two solar terms among 24 marked with a flurry of activities from birds.


According to a poem written by Yuan Zhen in the Tang Dynasty (618-907), wild geese that winter in the south would leave the warmest place and migrate northward in groups during Xiaohan. The magpies that are commonly seen in northern regions would begin building nests for new fledglings and peasants would crow in search of a mate.

据唐代(618-907 年)元稹的诗句记载,在南方过冬的大雁会在小寒时节离开最温暖的地方,成群结队地向北方迁徙。北方地区常见的喜鹊会开始为刚出生的雏鸟筑巢,农民也会为寻找配偶而啼叫。

As the second-to-last solar term of the year, the Minor Cold is a prelude to the coming spring, and birds know best.


After the Minor Cold, Chinese people begin to write Spring Festival couplets, and go to the market to buy New Year paintings and colored lights to prepare for the Spring Festival.


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